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Silly Rabbit

Silly Rabbit

Our Easter was a busy one, but we managed to squeeze in some family photos between church and a birthday party.  We had a bit of a time crunch, but once I found this black background, set up the camera on the tripod and clicked,…

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12 Years of US

12 Years of US

On Saturday Tristan and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary (eeeek!).  Every year we try to do something special like stay at a hotel, or at least stay at home just the two of us.  This time we stayed in downtown Denver for two nights…

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Today is someone’s birthday ♥

Today is someone’s birthday ♥

Today is a special and important day – it’s Tristan’s birthday!  That’s right, every year on September 7th, we get to celebrate the fact that he was born.  And it is most definitely something to celebrate.  We started out the morning with a big breakfast,…

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Me & Him ♥

Me & Him ♥

Tristan and I had a little mini-photo shoot yesterday.  No reason in particular, but I have been wanting to document this new season of us being kid-less during the school day, and I also want more photos of us together – just the two of…

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I turned 31

I turned 31

Last week was my birthday and, as always, it was a most special day.  The kids all had school, so I slept in as late as I could and awoke to beautiful decorations, a delish breakfast with birthday candles, and an iPhone 5.  Yes, my…

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It’s just good

It’s just good

There are some people that just do Instagram VERY well – it should be their job.  You all know that Stephanie and I love Instagram and post photos like crazy people, but you guys – if it’s possible – I’ve become even more addicted in…

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Being married and micro-dating

Being married and micro-dating

I love going on dates with my husband.  This probably seems pretty obvious to most couples, but I’m always surprised when married friends tell me that they only go on a few dates a year.  Tristan and I are in a very fortunate situation –…

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