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Search For Your Awesome Party

Search For Your Awesome Party

On Saturday, I got to be a part of an AWESOME event in Denver called, “Search For Your Awesome” hosted by Bing & The Alison Show.  How did I get so lucky you ask?  Because I’m just that awesome?  Well, no, not really.  I didn’t…

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Our Spring Break 2014

Our Spring Break 2014

Last week was our Spring Break from school, and we had a busy one!  We filled our days with lots of special treats and adventures – it was tiring and fun and hectic, and it is definitely bittersweet that the kids are already back in…

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No, no – we haven’t forgotten about you. Okay…maybe we did a little bit.  It’s Christmas time – forgive us?  Stephanie May and I have been hard at work having fun this holiday season, and it will only continue. Two weeks ago our dad directed…

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MayDae Giveaway: Amber I. Designs

MayDae Giveaway: Amber I. Designs

————This giveaway is now closed————– Happy Wednesday friends!  Are you ready for another amazing giveaway??  We are! Sometimes you have the privilege of knowing or working with people who are extremely creative and talented.  I have worked with Amber for 8 years now and am…

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It’s just good

It’s just good

There are some people that just do Instagram VERY well – it should be their job.  You all know that Stephanie and I love Instagram and post photos like crazy people, but you guys – if it’s possible – I’ve become even more addicted in…

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It’s not Wednesday

It’s not Wednesday

Happy not Wednesday!  This week has been so nuts – I’ve been incredibly busy finishing projects, staying up way too late and drinking lots of coffee.  I hope your week is lovely, I’m going to get some shut eye.

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Puppy love ♥

Puppy love ♥

My parents are out of town this week, so we are dog-sitting for their 12-year-old terrier mix, Sandy.  She and our puppy, Tuppy get along pretty well, but I definitely sense some competition going on.  This pretty much sums it up: Silly doggies:)

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Weekend sounds

Weekend sounds

{Photo courtesy of my lovely friend, Elise} This weekend was so full and so fun.  The lovely Churchill played 3 shows this weekend, and I went to 2 of them.  One in Colorado Springs and the other in Denver.  I brought my camera to both,…

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This is not a joke

This is not a joke

I have a confession to make. As of late, I have become a friendship bracelet making machine.  Okay, let’s be honest, it’s pretty comical.  I like it though, and I don’t feel bad about it…so there’s that.  I’m really into tedious work on a small…

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Whispers of Fall

Whispers of Fall

You guys.  Fall is on it’s way.  Eeeeep! Labor Day usually marks the official end of Summer for most people.  In case you didn’t know, Labor Day is this Monday and I am ecstatic – I can’t even tell you.  I am so ready for…

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