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Etsy Picks:  Christmas Lovelies

Etsy Picks: Christmas Lovelies

Happy happy week of Thanksgiving!  We hope that you are all ready for your special meal on Thursday, and also thinking ahead to the busy and fun Christmas season ahead.  We (the sisterly team of MayDae) are pulling out our Christmas decorations this week, and…

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Etsy Picks:  Thanksgiving dinner

Etsy Picks: Thanksgiving dinner

Good morning, and  happy Etsy-Picks-Monday to you!  We are already half way through November (yikes!) and that means that the big eating day is right around the corner.   As always, we (the sisters May & Dae) have chosen our favorites from Etsy and this week’s…

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Etsy Picks:  Plaid

Etsy Picks: Plaid

Hello beautiful people.  Welcome to another fun Monday.  Today we’ve searched through every nook and cranny of Etsy to find our favorite trinkets, fashions, lovelies, and doo-dads in PLAID.  We adore plaid very very much, so it was extremely hard to choose which items to…

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Etsy Picks:  Fall Goodies & Treats

Etsy Picks: Fall Goodies & Treats

Halloween is officially over (and we LOVED every minute of it), but fall is not!  We love autumn and we are going to savor every Monday that we get to fill your screen with breathtaking Etsy finds, inspired by our favorite season.  This week we…

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Etsy Picks:  The Village

Etsy Picks: The Village

Good morning dear readers!!  On this lovely Monday, we(the sisterly team of MayDae) are bringing you this weeks Etsy.com picks from one our favorite fall movies, The Village.  Although it seems that M. Night’s popularity has dropped off a bit lately, we adore the colors,…

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Etsy Picks:  Fall Fashions – Boots

Etsy Picks: Fall Fashions – Boots

Greetings friends!  We (the sisterly duo of MayDae) are happy to be back from a busy weekend – did you miss us?  We definitely missed you.  Since we don’t do posts on Saturdays and Sundays, it gives us a chance to get inspired, rested, and…

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Etsy Picks:  Just another mustache Monday

Etsy Picks: Just another mustache Monday

Hi kids!  Welcome to another wonderful Monday where we each hand pick our favorite Etsy merchandise.  This week’s theme: the mustache.  Isn’t it grand?  Oh, and be sure to come back tomorrow to enter in our new giveaway from a spectacular (and familiar) Etsy seller….

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Etsy Picks:  Fall Fashions – Scarves

Etsy Picks: Fall Fashions – Scarves

Happy snuggly Monday!  Can you believe that October is here?  So many fall fashions to try out; so little time.  Scarves are probably in the top 3 favorite things about fall (a pretty high achievement), and we have been rocking them since…well, all year we…

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Etsy Picks:  Crunchy autumn leaves

Etsy Picks: Crunchy autumn leaves

Hello cuties!  Welcome back to another Monday-Etsy-Picks-Extravaganza!  We are wishing fall into existence this week because Colorado has still been having uncomfortably warm weather.  We are hoping that this post on crunchy leaves will magically bring the temperature down 15 degrees by tomorrow.  What do…

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Etsy Picks: Vintage Camera Love

Etsy Picks: Vintage Camera Love

Dear Monday, We are once again thrilled that you have arrived!  You usually represent the dreaded early morning, and a work pile the size of  Neptune, but you also lovingly represent our favorite part of the blogging week:  Etsy Picks.  We love to sift through…

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