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Etsy Picks:  Easter

Etsy Picks: Easter

Mondays mean early mornings, work, the daily grind, downing enough coffee to fill a swimming pool, and…..Etsy picks!  We (the sisterly team of MayDae) like to give you a little something to look forward to as you head back into job land.  Even though it’s…

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Etsy Picks:  Telling Time

Etsy Picks: Telling Time

Hi friends! It’s time for another round of Etsy Picks from us MayDae girls (Stephanie May and Stormie Dae).  This week’s theme is all about telling time.  Watches, clocks, and cute time pieces are plentiful on Etsy, and it was very very hard to narrow…

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Etsy Picks:  Tea Party

Etsy Picks: Tea Party

Hi-ho!  We had a really fun, busy weekend, and we are (almost) ready to get going again:)  Stormie Dae will be busy unpacking and organizing her new house this week (yay!), and I have a busy week as well since my 2 older kids are…

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Etsy Picks:  Living Room Decor

Etsy Picks: Living Room Decor

Good morning dear readers!  I think this is the first time I’ve ever been excited about a Monday, and it’s only because it is one day closer to the closing on my house!  Stephanie May and I are keeping our fingers crossed that everything goes…

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Etsy Picks:  White

Etsy Picks: White

Well, hello!  We spent a lot of time with family this weekend and had a blast, as we hope you did as well.  We also made the time change jump and are just starting to feel it – not the most fun, but a sign…

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Etsy Picks:  Saint Patrick’s Day

Etsy Picks: Saint Patrick’s Day

Hi there.  Hope you had an amazing and restful weekend!  Mondays can feel hectic and looong, but we hope that this little bit of visual inspiration helps you to get back into the swing of work.  This week we (the sisterly team of May &…

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Etsy Picks:  Favorites

Etsy Picks: Favorites

Good morning dear friends!  We are fastly approaching our one-year anniversary of blogging(fastly approaching = tomorrow) but we are affectionately referring to it as our Blog Birthday (yes!). Today we wanted do a recap of our all-time favorite Etsy items from the last year!  A…

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Etsy Picks:  Lace

Etsy Picks: Lace

Happy Monday pals!  Last week we did a post on all of our past Etsy Picks, and asked our readers for suggestions on future posts.  We’re still looking for more ideas, so please tell us what you would like to see more of – it…

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Etsy Picks:  Moulin Rouge

Etsy Picks: Moulin Rouge

Happy Valentine’s Day from MayDae!  We thought and thought about what we would choose for Etsy Picks for today, and finally landed on the very romantic, Moulin Rouge.  This movie is big, loud, red, and full of L.O.V.E.  If you haven’t seen it already, we…

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We need your help!

We need your help!

MayDae is quickly approching our 1-year anniversary of our blog (yay!), which means that we’ve also been doing our Etsy Picks posts for just as long.  We can hardly believe that it’s been almost a whole year, and we have so enjoyed the “work” of…

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