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We did the Whole 30 (a 3rd time)

We did the Whole 30 (a 3rd time)

Hi guys!  Happy 4th of July and HAPPY day-after-our-3rd-Whole 30!  Yup, we finished our third round of the Whole 30 yesterday and we are soooooo proud and excited that we powered through another one.  We did this one just like our other two – we…

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I turned 32

I turned 32

It’s been over a month and I’m just finally posting about my birthday – ooopsy:)  Better late than never right?  I had a great birthday as always, full of paleo treats (and a couple non-paleo ones), yummy coffee, and lots of time with my favorite…

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Guys, have you heard of UncommonGoods?!  I was just introduced to their site, and I can’t believe that I didn’t know about it sooner!  They have some amazingly beautiful gifts, housewares, jewelry, and art created by artists and designers from all different places, and backgrounds….

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For One Week, We Had A Pet Pig

For One Week, We Had A Pet Pig

Those of you that follow me on Instagram may have seen my stunned/surprised/shocked post last month when my sweet husband bought me a pet pig for my birthday.  He left the house that day saying that he had to “go see about something on Craigslist”…

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Search For Your Awesome Party

Search For Your Awesome Party

On Saturday, I got to be a part of an AWESOME event in Denver called, “Search For Your Awesome” hosted by Bing & The Alison Show.  How did I get so lucky you ask?  Because I’m just that awesome?  Well, no, not really.  I didn’t…

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Reflections on my first year of Whole 30s, paleo, and losing 61 lbs

Reflections on my first year of Whole 30s, paleo, and losing 61 lbs

What a difference a year makes.  We are coming up on the 1-year anniversary of when we started our first Whole 30 and I’ve been thinking and reflecting on the changes that we’ve made and kept up.  In a lot of ways, it feels like…

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Justin’s and Larabar Giveaway on Instagram

Justin’s and Larabar Giveaway on Instagram

I’m doing a giveaway on my Instagram this week, so head over and enter to win a jar of Justin’s Maple Almond Butter and 2 Chocolate Coconut Chew Larabars! Good luck! :)

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Learning to (kinda) like exercise

Learning to (kinda) like exercise

Ugh.  Working out.  Let’s talk about it.  There are two types of people in this world – those that work out, and those that don’t.  And I have always belonged in the latter group.  My idea of exercise is going for a leisurely stroll around…

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Silly Rabbit

Silly Rabbit

Our Easter was a busy one, but we managed to squeeze in some family photos between church and a birthday party.  We had a bit of a time crunch, but once I found this black background, set up the camera on the tripod and clicked,…

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Recipe: {Paleo} Berry Hand Pies

Recipe: {Paleo} Berry Hand Pies

If you’ve been on the internet at all in the last couple of years, you will have heard of hand pies by now.  Hand pies are essentially pie that you can hold – you guessed it – in your hand.  No plate or fork needed….

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