I need your opinion.

I am in need of a hair color change again.  I have decided, for the time being, not to cut my hair super short like this lady makes me want to do (maybe at some point though…).  I do want to change the color though…I finally got all of the black out from over a year ago – but sadly, I think I’ve gone too light and I want some dark back.  Dark hair just always seems to work better with my complexion.

I would like your opinion about what I should do though, I am curious as to what other people think looks best on me.  We will move backwards from my most recent colors, to what it was a year ago…

1. This is the red from my last dye-job…pretty bright

2. Prior to my most recent, but typically now what my hair looks like after it fades for a few weeks – SUPER light

3. Still with some dark hues in the tips

4. Random, on-accident-ombre

5. Lots of black left, red at the roots

6. Intentional red ombre with black base (also the most difficult dye-job I’ve tried at this point)

7. Mostly black/dark-brownish (this is typically the color that makes it easier to wear my black extensions and have them blend in)

8. Little blonde/red highlights in mostly black

9. Black

I am wondering if I should just go back to black?….I’m not promising that I can re-create any of the colors or effects exactly as you see them here.  For the most part I just throw some dye in and let my hair interpret it as it wants to…but I am curious, what do you think I should do?