Facing it

Hi!  Sorry it’s been so quiet the past few days.  We’ve been busy and forgetful:)

I’ve still been having fun with our new Christmas puppy – Tuppy.  She is seriously the sweetest little doggie!  Since she is so young (not yet 7 weeks), she has to be fed 3-4 times a day, and has to go outside every 2-3 hours.  I’ve never had a dog this young, so it is definitely more work than I imagined!  But she’s worth it because I just love her to pieces:)

Gavin and Guini are back in school all this week, and I’ve got a long to-do list.  I’m going to be re-decorating their whole room over the next few weeks, so I will be sharing photos of that when it’s complete.  I’m also hoping to finally finish our living room partial remodel….maybe by the end of the month?  We shall see:)

Hope you had a good weekend!