Photo a Day, Part II

Well, I’m still alive!  I am feeling much better than I was on Tuesday, and I seem to be on the mend – hooray!

January is officially over (did you know?), and I finally completed my January Photo-A-Day Challenge that I told you about.  I just finished today because of being sick, but better late than….well, you know.  Here’s the second half – enjoy!

Day16:  Morning

Day 17:  Water

Day 18:  Something you bought

Day 19:  Sweet

Day 20:  Someone you love

Day 21:  Reflection

Day 22:  Your shoes  (you can see another post on these photos here)

Day 23:  Something old

Day 24:  Guilty Pleasure

Day 25:  Something you made

Day 26:  Color

Day 27:  Lunch

Day 28:  Light

Day 29:  In your fridge

Day 30:  Nature

Day 31:  You.  Again.

Hope you liked seeing my Instagrams from this month.  If you have an iPhone, you can follow me (user name:  stephanie_may ) and see them much much quicker – I really like it, and tend to post…a lot:)