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Work weekend.

Work weekend.

Hello lovelies!  I hope your weekend was absolutely fabulous and you’ve jumped into this week completely  ready to go and full of energy!  …you didn’t?  Yeah, me neither. My weekend was pretty fantastic though – I got SO much done which is always good and…

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MayDae Giveaway:  Yellow Cups and Tea Towel

MayDae Giveaway: Yellow Cups and Tea Towel

It’s been way too long since we’ve done a giveaway!  And what better to give to our beloved readers than some vintage goodness for the kitchen? We are giving away 3 vintage yellow and white coffee cups and 1 brightly colored vintage tea towel.  The…

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You have grown

You have grown

This is a photo of me from about an hour ago. Bangs=long. To cut or not to cut?  That is the question. 2 hair inspirations: Keiko Jenny Lewis Hair.  It can be lovely and troublesome all at the same time:) On Sunday evening, Stormie and…

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Etsy Picks:  MayDae

Etsy Picks: MayDae

We MayDae sisters have been busy little bees….wanna see? Chevron dress Leather cut-out flats Taupe dress with matching shrug Peach Polka Dot dress Taupe dress with full skirt Red floral dress with belt Candy Striped Romper Don’t you just love all of these?!  All of…

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Shop goodness

Shop goodness

I know we’ve posted a few times recently of new items we’ve listed in our Etsy shop, but there are a few items that aren’t even listed yet and I can’t resist showing them to you.  You are the first to see these…not even technically…

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A few last days

A few last days

Goodness.  I love this freckled face.  My daughter Guini is graduating from Kindergarten tomorrow.  I feel like the school year just started, and I can’t believe that she only has 4 days left!  I have never been to a Kinder graduation, but I know that…

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One whole year of cute vintage

One whole year of cute vintage

Last month we celebrated our 1-year blog birthday, and today we get to celebrate our 1-year MayDae Etsy Shop birthday!  Hooray!  It’s been a whole year since we opened our MayDae shop (and had our first sale – the telephone bird house), and in some…

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Lots and lots

Lots and lots

This past weekend flew by, and I am tired and trying to get caught up on my looonnng to-do list.  Tristan is coming down with a cold which is no fun at all, and I’m hoping and praying that I don’t come down with it…

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Happy May Day & MayDae Giveaway!

Happy May Day & MayDae Giveaway!

*UPDATE:  The giveaway is now closed – We will announce the winner Monday, May 9th! Hi friends!  We are doing a special Sunday edition post because today is May Day!  That’s right, May 1st is May Day, and even though we aren’t named after this…

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Hi there! Today is an exciting day for me!  I finally get to show you a project that I have been working on for the past few months… Introducing my brand-new Etsy shop:  FIBBIE FIBBIE offers vintage children’s clothing, toys, and home decor.  I am…

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