My Thoughts on the 2013 Best Picture Nominated Films

A couple weeks ago, my sister, our dad and myself went to the AMC Best Picture Showcase to see the Best Picture nominated films.  We go to the showcase every year – it takes place two Saturdays in a row, and we sit there alllll day long and watch the movies back to back.  There are always movies that I end up loving and connecting with, and other movies that I don’t love as much.  When I really love a movie, I watch it, and re-watch it, and even re-watch it.  If I choose to re-watch a movie more than once, then I know that it is a definite favorite of mine.  I won’t go into full detail about every part of these movies, but I’ll tell you if I liked it, and if I would ever watch it again.  Here’s what I thought of this year’s Best Picture Nominated films (in no particular order):

oscar nominated films 2014 2013 reviews thoughts winner nominees best worst movies 12 years a slave
12 Years a Slave – this movie was very hard to watch.  It is an important story that is based on a true story, but, it is HARD to watch.  In the movie, they don’t sugarcoat the torture, beatings, rape, and devastation that these slaves endured during this time.  It ended up winning the Oscar for Best Picture, and although it wasn’t my personal choice for the winner, I can definitely see why it won.  The acting, set design, costumes, writing – it’s all done beautifully.  It is not a movie that I will soon forget.  Will I watch it again?  No.  Once was enough for me.
oscar nominated films 2014 2013 reviews thoughts winner nominees best worst movies american hustle
American Hustle – this movie was one of the more light-hearted films out of the group.  I loved the 1970s sets, clothing, makeup, and props – those were a definite highlight.  It wasn’t as funny as I thought it was going to be, but I will say, that when I watched it, it was very late in the day, and I was pretty tired at that point.  I don’t think that I was in a very comedic mood, and I wasn’t too impressed with American Hustle at the time.  That being said, out of all of the movies that we saw, this is the only one that I didn’t initially like, but would like to re-watch anyway.  I want to give it a second shot, when I’m not completely exhausted and see what I think after another viewing.  So, will I watch it again?  Yes.  P.S.  I am a HUGE Christian Bale fan, which is part of the reason why I want to see it again.  Full disclaimer. ;)
oscar nominated films 2014 2013 reviews thoughts winner nominees best worst movies captain phillips
Captain Phillips – I want to apologize to all of you Tom Hanks fans right now.  This movie was kind of a snooze-fest, and out of all of the nominated films, I’m really surprised that this movie was even considered Oscar-worthy.  It’s not a horrible film by any means, but it’s a total popcorn flick.  The kind that you watch on a Thursday night on your couch, and then you fall asleep halfway through, and have to find another time to finish it.  However, I would recommend finishing it, because the best scene of the movie was at the very end when Tom Hank’s character is being looked at by some medics – it brought tears to my eyes.  But you could also just watch that last scene and skip the rest.  Oh, and my sister got mild motion sickness from this movie – major shaky cam going on.  You’ve probably guessed it, but will I watch it again?  No.
oscar nominated films 2014 2013 reviews thoughts winner nominees best worst movies gravity
Gravity – This was the last movie that we saw out of the nine, and we saw it in 3D.  My favorite thing about this movie was it’s length.  Only an hour and a half – they didn’t drag the story out and over-explain every little detail.  It was action-packed from the get-go and the beginning of the movie felt like we were starting 30 minutes into the story, which was perfect.  The premise of this story is thrilling, and terrifying, and not a sitiuation that anyone in their right mind would like to ever be in.  The story was told  in a unique way, and kept it interesting (and did I mention, it was short?).  I will say, that I didn’t particularly connect to the main character or the story on an emotional level, so will I watch it again?  No.  I liked it enough to watch it once, but once was enough.
oscar nominated films 2014 2013 reviews thoughts winner nominees best worst movies HER movie Joaquin Phoenix
Her – I won’t beat around the bush here.  I loved this movie.  LOVED it.  In fact, I would have loved to see it take the Best Picture award.  Yup.  This was the only movie that I had previously seen before the showcase, and I was so glad, because I wanted to see it a second time.  First, Joaquin Phoenix is just brilliant – in most of this movie, he is by himself, or talking to a voice on his computer.  And it’s not boring – it’s incredible.  you see his whole character – the good, the weird, and the awkward, and you like him.  You understand him.  Second, the writing – the story, the concept of this movie is thought-provoking, strange, true, and unique.  It’s gorgeously written.  The story takes place in the not-so-distant future, and it does a beautiful job of moving the spaces, clothing, technology, and work into a different time – they do it subtly, but it’s there in a creative, bold way.  I was so incredibly happy that Spike Jonze won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay – well deserved.  Great story, fantastic acting, and will I watch it again?  Yes.  Definitely yes.
oscar nominated films 2014 2013 reviews thoughts winner nominees best worst movies Nebraska movie
Nebraska – this movie was a pleasant surprise.  I knew very little about it before watching, and I’m so glad.  I love a good surprise.  Maybe it’s the fact that I spent 7 years of my childhood living in Nebraska, but this slow-paced movie is hilarious and so incredibly well written.  I laughed (a lot), I cried, I rooted for the relationships.  The cast of this movie is so perfect in every way.  I don’t think that this will be a movie that the mass audiences will love, but it is just my kind of movie.  Relationships, dialogue, humor, emotion, and family oddities.  Will I watch it again?  Yes.
oscar nominated films 2014 2013 reviews thoughts winner nominees best worst movies dallas buyers club
Dallas Buyers Club – to be honest, I don’t know quite what to say about this movie.  I didn’t enjoy it while I was watching it.  It is very “in your face” with way way too many lady parts and sexual encounters that I didn’t want to be seeing (and mind you, my DAD was sitting 2 seats over – awkward).  But, like 12 years, this movie has stayed with me.  The story is not one that I would have probably ever come to know without watching this movie.  Jared Leto gave an incredible performance and he deserved every bit of his Oscar win.  Another thing that I really liked about this movie, was seeing the character who was completely judgmental, hateful, ignorant, and disparaging to people that he thought he had all figured out, become just what he was hating.  He was suddenly able to see them from a different perspective.  To understand them, to walk in their shoes, and most importantly, to respect them as people, and love them as friends, and even as family.  Will I watch it again?  No.  But maybe a montage of Jared Leto’s performance.
oscar nominated films 2014 2013 reviews thoughts winner nominees best worst movies Philomena movie
Philomena – this was another one of my favorites from the showcase.  It was a good mix of heart-breaking drama and well written, witty banter.  And it was funny – so so superbly funny.  The movie goes back and forth between the past and the present, and I really fell in love with the character of Philomena and her sad story.  Will I watch it again?  Yes.
oscar nominated films 2014 2013 reviews thoughts winner nominees best worst movies wolf of wall street
Wolf of Wall Street – this is the only movie that I still haven’t seen.  We heard so many negative reviews of this flick, we decided to leave the showcase and took an extra long dinner break instead.  I’m not sorry that I missed it from what I’ve heard, but I won’t give it a review since I haven’t actually seen it.  Will I watch it someday?  Probably not.  But if you believe that it’s a great movie and want to try to convince me, go ahead.  I’m not saying I’ll watch it, but feel free to tell me why I should.

So, there’s my thoughts on the Best Picture nominated movies from this year.  Have you seen any of them?  What did you think?