I’m gonna miss them

back to school gavin

back to school guini

back to school gemma

Tomorrow morning is the first day of school.  We’ve met and re-met all 3 teachers, organized school supplies neatly in the classrooms, sewed patches on uniforms, and filled backpacks with necessities.  Gavin, Guini, and Gemma are all sleeping soundly in their beds now – Gemma sleeping with her “magic confetti” given to her by her new teacher to help her sleep tonight.

This year is going to be (very) different for us, because it is the first year we have all 3 kids in full-day.  From 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. it will just be me and Tristan (and Tuppy) here at the house.  So very weird to think about.  We are definitely headed into an unknown time and I really don’t know how I’m supposed to feel.  I’ve got mixed emotions of sadness and happiness for sure.  Can any of you other moms relate?

Stephanie May