Celebrating going back to school

back to school party celebration kids diy cute smores fire sparklers maydae

Last night we had our annual Back to School party as a family.  We do this every year to celebrate this exciting and (sometimes) crazy time of their lives.  I want them to look forward to school each year – they are blessed with a great one, and fantastic teachers as well!  Gavin will be in 5th grade, Guini will be in 3rd grade and Gemma in 1st grade.

back to school party celebration kids diy cute smores fire sparklers maydae back to school party celebration kids diy cute smores fire sparklers maydae back to school party celebration kids diy cute smores fire sparklers maydae back to school party celebration kids diy cute smores fire sparklers maydae

We had dinner outside in the backyard, and then took a walk to the school to play on the playground and browse the class lists one more time.  The kids played and rode their bikes around while Tristan and I sat on a bench and talked.  We will get to have a lot more moments like these very very soon.

back to school party celebration kids diy cute smores fire sparklers maydae back to school party celebration kids diy cute smores fire sparklers maydae back to school party celebration kids diy cute smores fire sparklers maydae back to school party celebration kids diy cute smores fire sparklers maydae back to school party celebration kids diy cute smores fire sparklers maydae

We walked home in the dark, made a cozy fire out back, and the kids made s’mores.  There were also a few leftover sparklers that our niece Ashleigh brought the kids last week so we lit those and they danced around with them to make “a show” for us.

It was a simple, but very fun night for all of us.  Back to school time is always bittersweet for me.  I’m looking forward to having more time to work on projects and whip my Etsy shops back in shape, but I will miss them.  Like, so much.

Stephanie May