Oh….hello 2011

Before I get started today – if you haven’t entered the giveaway we are participating in yet, you can click over to Smile and Wave first and enter here, then come back…just as long as you come back:)  Giveaway ends tomorrow and there is some really great stuff, so hurry!

Can you believe it?  2010 is over…and I’m totally okay with that – although 2011 doesn’t roll off the tongue quite as easily, too many syllables.

What are your plans to bring in the new year?  I don’t currently have any, and it is a glorious feeling.  It feels nice to not have anything I’m required to go to, I can just be.  So as far as I know – I will be hanging out at home with my family and relaxing – heck, I may not even stay up for midnight.  Gasp…yeah I’m kinda boring sometimes.

Another thing that may shock you(or not) is that I don’t do new year’s resolutions.  This started a couple of years ago when I decided that doing new year’s resolutions was too much pressure and made it a bigger failure if there was no follow-through.  Easy way out?  Maybe….but I like to think of it as giving myself a better shot at the whole goal thing.  When I think of a goal, I decide to put it into motion – I don’t wait for the new year even if it’s really close.  I find that I succeed more that way without putting deadlines and specifics that I can’t possibly live up to – who wants that kind of beast looming over their head?  I sure don’t.  Thus, I don’t have any resolutions.  I have made some decisions for this year though.  I am not setting dates or deadlines, or even specifics for these – they are just things I want to start implementing as I go forward with my life in 2011.

So, without further ado….here are my Non-New Year’s Resolution Resolutions: