Like a flash

Sometimes I like to just check-in on my own blog…just so you don’t think I’m dead or anything.  You’re welcome.

I’m not really sure what happened this week.  I had a meeting on Wednesday night and then went to sleep fairly early because I’ve been feeling slightly under the weather the past few days.  Then today I spent some time with the sibs after work and have been doing laundry like a crazy person since I got home.  I’ll just barely get this posted before Saturday – I guess some weeks are just that way.

This weekend is going to be CRAZY wonderful.  So much time spent with family it will be insane, and so much fun – I can’t wait.

Okay, so here is something.  Since when is Good Friday a holiday and that EVERYONE and their mom gets off work except me??  Not that I’m complaining that our government recognizes Good Friday…but seriously…why is everyone acting like it’s normal in the U.S. to have an “Easter holiday”? …I just don’t remember this ever happening.  And I sure as heck had to work today and will be working on Monday.  Just sayin.

Meanwhile, did you hear about Thomas Kinkade?  Woah.