Bowling for birthdays

Sometimes weekends are crazy, and for me they typically end with a busy Sunday where I ruin the end of it by thinking about going back to work the following day.  This Sunday, however, didn’t feel like the end of the weekend at all and Stephanie May and I went bowling with our friends Elise and Kaylee to celebrate Kaylee’s birthday…which was in July.  Life gets busy, right?

I always forget just how much I love bowling.  I took a class in high-school but don’t get out to do it as often as I would like and I fall in love with it all over again every time.

I’m just too fast for Stephanie to get a good photo.

Stephanie May and the birthday girl, Kaylee.

Is it bad that I am sore today?  To give myself a little credit, we did a “trick” game where every frame had to be a different odd bowl including lunges, laying on the ground and pushing the ball and bowling backward.  I’m blaming that.