Tea time

I don’t have a lot to say today – except that I like tea.  I am sitting with a nice cup of Earl Grey, thinking about how much an interesting tea cup that doesn’t match the rest can make the tea taste so much better.  It’s amazing how many people have tea set collections and how many great cup designs there are out there.  These are just some of my favorites.

Yes, I need this.  Please see below so you can purchase this for me, thanks.

Love this, such a great idea!

The colors in this make me salivate – they are lovely.

Don’t you feel like having a nice cup of tea right about now?  I knew you would!  And in a shocking – except not so shocking – turn of events, I just spilled tea on myself.  Fan-tastic.

(Photos: Color coded tea cup collection, Tea cup wall by Linda Karlsson, Music and Tea for Two by Teaspoons & Petals, China bracelets from StayGoldMaryRose, Printed cup by Bailey Doesn’t Bark, Teacup chandelier from Design Milk, Tea cup kitchen display from Design Sponge)