Listen to me


Don’t you just love headphones?  I do…especially because they let me listen to music – which is divine.  Yesterday I noticed that when I am really groovin’ on a song at work, I start typing in rhythm with it.  It gets a little strange if it’s a really fast song, but I think it actually makes me more productive.  That might seem weird, but I kind of like it.  The song I noticed it on was “Festival” by Sigur Ros(greatest band ever in case you didn’t know)..go listen to it.  I bet you’ll type in rhythm with it.

Anyway, last night I was looking through my Nylon magazine and saw this ad:


It reminded me of how much I love headphones.  And colorful/cute headphones?  Double bonus.


These are pretty much my fav. {Source}


Happy Friday loves – see you Monday!