Listening: Sucré

Sucré is a band (pronounced su-cray) featuring the lovely Stacey King of Eisley, her husband Darren King of MuteMath, and producer Jeremy Larson.  They just released their first album, A Minor Bird.  Since I’ve been following Jeremy and Stacey on Twitter, I’ve been awaiting this album for what feels like years.  Every photo taken and blog post written has whetted my appetite, and I am so happy that it’s finally here!

I’ve taken a couple days to listen to the album, and my initial thoughts are that the songs are very light, airy, and dreamy sounding.  Stacey’s vocals really stand out (they remind me a bit of Bjork at times) and go beautifully with the symphonic arrangements in every song.

I personally love the songs, Say Something and Chemical Reaction the best.  I really love the drums in those songs and I wish that there were a bit more emphasis on drums in the other songs.  I also really love the unexpected direction that some of the songs take.  At times, a song will begin like a ballad but end with a bang – love it.

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I really love this album, and I hope hope hope that they come through Denver soon on tour so I can see the live version:)