It’s that time again.

Time for Toms One Day Without Shoes Campaign.  Are you in?

I participated in this campaign last year and the year before and tomorrow, April 10, is the day that it comes around again.

{Photo by Hannah Wills}

It’s SO easy to participate.  Just don’t wear shoes – all day.  And when someone asks you why you aren’t wearing any, tell them it’s to promote global poverty awareness.  Tell them it’s because there are so many people around the world who don’t have the privilege of wearing shoes.  And if that sentence sounded weird to you, that’s good – because I don’t think it should be a privilege to wear shoes – it should be a given.

Unfortunately, it’s not a given – and it’s also not something that we first world people think about…really, ever.  I think we should though…so be cool.  Go without shoes tomorrow.

Also, if you feel inclined, support Toms and buy some shoes – they give away one pair of shoes to children in need for every pair you or I buy.  That may not seem like alot, but it’s more than I did today to help children in need.

Hoping to see you barefoot tomorrow.