Cobbie Cuddlers Friday Part 8

I’m horrible…absolutely horrible.  I only wore different shoes 3 days this week…gasp!  In my defense, for the holiday weekend I spent most of my time at home – thus barefoot…and since I really only have heels left to wear, I couldn’t seriously put them on just to dink around my house, right?

Day 50 – Friday: Work and Transformers 3 – My once most comfortable pair of heels that no longer fit…sad day.

Day 51 – Saturday: Chillin in the pool at the parentals house and having the nieces and nephews over for a sleepover – mostly barefoot

Day 52 – Sunday: MayDae photoshoot – flip-flops, already worn

Day 53 – Monday: Paperwork, laundry, bill-paying day, grilling and fireworks at mi casa – also barefoot

Day 54 – Tuesday: Caffe Luna, work and dinner with the parentals – shiney spat heels

Day 55 – Wednesday: Work and Caffe Luna – yellow platforms

Day 56 – Thursday: Work – flip-flops

Wow…what a short post.  On a brighter note, I rec’d my 4 new pairs of shoes from in the mail yesterday and I definitely still have hearts in my eyes.  I am pretty sure this will be my last week for Cobbie Cuddlers, crazy that it’s almost over – but I have to be honest, it will be nice to have a break from thinking about my shoes so much! :)

Happy weekend loves!

Stormie Dae