A little bit of Jov, a little bit of Hawk.

Collaborations are the best.  Two people working together to create something that appeals to both of their personalities is fascinating to me.  May* and I do have some similar taste in style and decor – but there are aspects of our personalities and taste that are vastly different.  We balance eachother well because we can give eachother honest opinions about things we have created and it is coming from a completely different viewpoint instead of just telling eachother we are brilliant and never having any constructive criticism.  The Jovovich-Hawk collabortation is one of my favorites.  They play with the soft, flowing feminine aspect of fashion design as well as hard and edgy pieces.  These are my favorite looks from their collections over the span of three years.

These stockings are delicious.

This is by far my favorite look from them…and yes, I even like the tattoo – it’s like they created this cut just for her.

(All photos from www.jovovich-hawk.com)