Etsy picks: Pushing Daisies

This is a story about a boy and a girl.  Meet Ned.  Ned can bring people back from the dead with just one touch, but if he touches them a second time, they will be dead once more.  Meet Chuck.  Chuck is Ned’s childhood best friend and first love who gets murdered.  To find out who killed her, Ned touches Chuck and brings her back to life, and they fall in love.  One tiny thing, they can’t touch again….ever….or she will die.

Though Pushing Daisies was short lived (only 2 seasons), with sometimes meandering writing and flimsy storyline, it is a gorgeous feast for the eyes.  A feast of pie.  Ned owns a restaurant called The Pie Hole, and let us suggest that you have a slice of pie with you when you watch it.  Pushing Daisies is a gem and our picks this week are all inspired by our love for the delicious show.

May’s picks:

Apple pie necklace.

Don’t touch.

Autopsied finger made from polymer clay.

(pie necklace by Baby Loves Pink, teal gloves from Vintage Eye Fashion, men’s apron by Dear Edna, binoculars from Island Girl Jen, mannequin hand from Grafix, bee hive from Sea Pinks, ‘Exhibit A’ by Buy My Crap, orange ring from Jennifer Birge, red dress from Marie Retro Revival)

Dae’s picks:

Who says losing an eye has to be ugly?

Fact – you can definitely put a bird’s wing back on with a bejeweler


Good boy, Digby

(Eye patch by You’re so Fascinating, Daisy cuff from Willow & Quinn, Tablecloth from Coffee Klatch, Bird brooch by Siiri, Day dress from Revolving Styles, Magnifying glass from Back Bay Beads, Pie bites from Skipping Skones, Floral wallpaper from Gingerscraps, Yellow dog by Middleburg)