An exciting little arrival

Baby Evangeline

My sweet sweet niece Evangeline Lilly was born yesterday!  Yup, she was born on her due date – 7 lbs 10 oz & 20.5″ long.  Perfection.  My sister Tredessa was SO generous to let all of us sisters in the delivery room when it was time for Eva to come into the world.  This was my very first experience being in the delivery room with someone when a baby is born (except myself of course, but my view was quite a bit different)….and let me just say, WOW.  Our bodies can do the most amazing things.  It was a moment I will NEVER forget.  Chills all over my body, hushed whispers, tears stinging my eyes, and looks of awe as we watched Eva be born to her parents (and naturally too – no epidural for her!).  Oh how I love her already.  Have you ever been in the room with someone who was delivering a baby?

Speaking of babies, I told you about the handmade giving series that I am a part of on Alicia Hutchinson’s blog, and my post is up!  I did hand painted baby blocks for my nephew Kai, and I love how they turned out!  Head over there and look, read, and try out some of these amazing gifts!diy hand painted baby blocks kids gift diy make homemade handmade toys alicia hutchinson blog stephanie may maydae christmas gift ideas
