Baby Kai’s Newborn Photos

Baby Kai Newborn Preemie Photos Photography Nephew Cute Sweet Ideas Black and White Color Fur Blanket Rug Yawn Smiles

Baby Kai Newborn Preemie Photos Photography Nephew Cute Sweet Ideas Black and White Color Fur Blanket Rug Yawn Smiles

Baby Kai Newborn Preemie Photos Photography Nephew Cute Sweet Ideas Black and White Color Fur Blanket Rug Yawn Smiles

Baby Kai Newborn Preemie Photos Photography Nephew Cute Sweet Ideas Black and White Color Fur Blanket Rug Yawn Smiles

Baby Kai Newborn Preemie Photos Photography Nephew Cute Sweet Ideas Black and White Color Fur Blanket Rug Yawn Smiles

Baby Kai Newborn Preemie Photos Photography Nephew Cute Sweet Ideas Black and White Color Fur Blanket Rug Yawn Smiles

Baby Kai Newborn Preemie Photos Photography Nephew Cute Sweet Ideas Black and White Color Fur Blanket Rug Yawn Smiles

I told you about my teeny-tiny nephew, Kai, but I completely forgot to post these photos that I took of him in February.  He was 3 weeks old, and the cutest thing ever!  Thanks to my older sister Tara for letting me take newborn photos of him – I think it’s time to do some more – yes?

Speaking of babies, my brother and sister-in-law are due with their 3rd girl any minute now!  Like, seriously – she could be comin’ at any moment, so stay tuned for photos of that darling little niece of mine.

Don’t you just love baby season?  And no, I’m not pregnant – 3 kiddos are quite enough for this mama:)

Stephanie May