Paris: Where we slept

I’m back today with more photos of our trip to Paris!  As I told you before, we used AirBNB to book our rooms, and this is what our Parisian flat looked like:

Let’s start with the stairs.  The flat was a SIX floor walk-up.  Yup, we burned a ton of calories going up, up, up everyday, but it gave us permission to indulge more often on yummy French food.  The building itself was beautiful, old, and just what we were looking for.

Our flat is owned by a film student named Isabelle.  She was an incredibly kind host, and although we didn’t get to meet her in person, I felt like we got to know her through simply being in her space.  Everywhere you looked there were books, art, illustrations, and interesting items from her travels.  It was a very inspiring place to stay and nothing like a hotel (which we loved!).

The large windows let in tons of natural light and fresh air, and we were able to make friends with the pigeons outside.  Each day we would open the windows and listen to one of the neighbors practicing beautiful violin music.  It was a surreal experience, and thinking about it is making my heart ache to go back.

The flat was very small, but made us feel like true Parisians:)  The flat is located in the 10th arrondissment near the Canal Saint Martin, and it was a great central location for getting around.  The area didn’t feel too “touristy” and that was exactly what we were looking for.

We had such an amazing experience in Paris, and our cute flat made all the difference!  I hope we can visit this red door again soon.