A long list

Hey guys!  This week has been very full, and very fun!  We didn’t get to go out of town on vacation this year, so it was good to have a week of fun here in the Denver area.  My in-laws came into town for the week (from Indiana), so we had lots of yummy meals, a trip to the mountains, and lots of Starbucks:)

Monday – Tristan’s parents arrived in the afternoon, and we spent time visiting and then made dinner – baked potato soup (made by me), bread sticks & caesar salad (made by Tristan).  SOOOO yummy – I really want one of those bread sticks right now!

On Tuesday we took a trip to Target where Grandma & Papa graciously let the kids pick out toys and got us all a Starbucks treat of our choice – Gemma and Guini picked cake pops, coffee cake for Gavin, an iced Caramel Macchiato for me, and a smoothie for Tristan.  I love family Starbucks days:)

Tuesday was also our 10-year-proposal-anniversary (read about it here), so Grandma and Papa let the kids spend the night at their hotel with them, and Tristan and I went to Village Inn for a dessert date.  We used to hang out at VI or Denny’s quite a bit when we were dating, so it was fun to revisit:)  Sorry about the blurry picture – I didn’t notice that it was like that in the dim lighting…why is it always so dim in there?

On Wednesday, we headed up the mountains.  We decided to go to Nederland, CO which is a little mountain town about an hour from our house.  I love living close to the mountains, but we hardly ever take advantage of that fact.  It was a perfect day to go – 73 degrees and overcast – gorgeous.  We had a picnic, walked down the reservoir a little ways, and got to ride on the Carousel of Happiness.  SO pretty!  After that we went to Buffalo Bill’s Coffee and got treats for everyone.  It was such a cute place – it’s inside old renovated train cars.  The coffee was good, and I loved the little map-printed cups:)

Later that night, I made a peach/nectarine pie (I didn’t get a photo, so I had to steal Stormie’s because she came over to use our computer that night).  It was good, and is now all gone:)


On Thursday night, we got to go to the Rockies game in Denver.  I love Coors Field – it’s so beautiful, and has THE most gorgeous view.  I am a little embarrassed to say that I haven’t been to a baseball game in over 10 years….we just aren’t really into sports, but it was still good to go and pretend that we were:)

To end the week, we went to the Mile High Flea Market (one of my favorite places).  It was kind of a bust though – not too many sellers, and a lot of the businesses seemed to be shut down for the day.  I didn’t end up buying anything, but the kids sure did have fun riding the motorcycle ride.  Later for dinner, Tristan decided to make his famous alfredo sauce, so that pretty much made up for all bad things…ever:)

Grandma and Papa left yesterday, and we were sad to see them go – it was a great week.  Now it is time to get ready for school – mixed feelings on that one:)


Stephanie May*