Oh the places we’ll go.

I’m slowly but surely growing my toy collection.  The best part is…the majority of the things I am gathering have been free.  That’s right, FREE – can’t complain about that.

The two bass cabs above were gleaned from my friend, Steve, when he was moving.  I still need to get an amp for them, but when I do, watch out.  The polychord organ was also free – I won’t tell you why, but it was.  The best part of this photo, by far, is my extremely stable laptop stand (aka: suitcase).

And this beauty, my mom found for free on Craigslist yesterday and my wonderful dad and brother-in-law dropped it off at my house today.  I can’t wait to start writing songs and playing around on it.  The spare room, which is technically “MayDae Central” is filling up with music stuff…ummmm, Steph – we may run out of room…

Now to just get the monstrous thing into the musi..I mean, MayDae room.