Boo Radley moment.

This week has been a long one.  My kids had a 4 day weekend from school and Tristan was out of town, so I tried my best at playing single mommy to 3 youngins (never easy).  Let’s just say that I am extremely grateful that Tristan is home, and we are all together again!

Some recent realizations:

My 3 year old loves grapefruit.  I mean, loves it.  So much so, that when she finished hers, she promptly went to the trash can and tried to eat her older sibling’s discarded halves.  Yup.

Starbucks Iced Vanilla Lattes make a rough day better.  I’ve had a few of these this week.

This movie still makes me laugh after about 87 views.

Tristan makes incredible homemade pretzels.  They are big, soft, chewy, and covered in salt.  My new favorite.

I can’t decide what color to change my hair too.  Seriously, if I can’t decide, I might have to keep it bright red for the rest of my life.  Would that be so bad?


Stephanie May*