I had a good day…

…with this girl:)  I am blessed to be a stay-at-home mom.  Yes, sometimes it is hard, and sometimes I feel like I don’t get anything “important” done during the day.  MayDae and Fibbie are HUGE creative outlets for me, as well as music and singing, and a DIY project here and there.  But my main focus right now are my 3 kids.  I am completely aware that I only get these human beings for a short period of time, and then they will be off –  to college, far away places, and with their own families living out their personal love and dreams.  I’m so happy to be a big part of their young lives, and so happy that someday I too will have the chance to go off to my list of far away places, and live out my own dreams once again.

I started a board on Pinterest this week called “My Dreams“; I hope to add lots and lots of dreams (goals, visions, hopes) that are perfectly mine.  All mine.