My Whole30 Journey (and completing 7 rounds!)


Hello friends!

I wanted to give you all a MUCH-needed update on my Whole30 journey.  I never intended to stop updating my blog, but time got away from me , and I felt the natural pull to post most of my thoughts and photos over on Instagram.  I love Instagram and will continue to post there, but I’ve also truly missed posting here on my blog, and I definitely want to do more of that in 2017!

Whole30 Timeline

As some of you know, my husband and I did our first round of the Whole30 back in June 2013.  The last time that I posted here about our Whole30 journey was right after we finished our 4th round in March 2015.  Believe it or not, we have now completed SEVEN rounds of the Whole30!  Here is what our W30 timeline has looked like over the past 3.5 years:

1st Whole30 – June 4th – July 3rd, 2013

2nd Whole30 January 8th – February 6th, 2014

3rd Whole30 – June 4th – July 3rd, 2014

Intentional Whole15 – November 8th – 22nd, 2014

4th Whole30 – February 21st – March 22nd, 2015

5th Whole30 + 15 (Whole45) – September 12th – October 26th, 2015

6th Whole30 – February 20th – March 20th, 2016

7th Whole30 – August 3rd – September 1st, 2016

Intentional Whole11 – January 7th – 18th, 2017

I did my first Whole45 last fall, and it went really great!  It’s just like a regular Whole30, except that I did it for an extra 15 days.  I decided to do it because I had never done a longer version of the Whole30, and I just wanted to try it for fun (I know, I’m a dork).  I’m glad that I tried it out, because it made me realize that I don’t really need a longer version – at least, not right now.  I feel that 30 days is enough for me, and sometimes, I don’t feel that I even need the full 30 days.  Currently, I am doing an intentional Whole11 which is a “mini-Whole30” and it has all the same rules as a regular W30, but I will only do it (intentionally) for 11 days.  You can read more about how mini-Whole30s should be used, and who should do them here on the Whole30 blog.

Whole30 Snapchat

Yesterday, I was so excited to be a “guest snapper” over on the Whole30 Snapchat account (their username:  Whole30)!  Did anyone get to see it?  The Whole30 team has asked me to guest post for them on their Snapchat 3 times now, and I have had a blast every time.  I love reading all of the messages and enoucouragement from everyone, and I love being able to help people that are on their very first round of the Whole30.  By the way, if you’d like to follow my Snapchat account, my username is: histephaniemay (no apologies for the excessive use of the filters!).

More to Come

I have LOTS more to share with you concerning my weight-loss journey, and I have several more blog posts lined up, so stay tuned!  Thank you all for continuing to support and connect with me here on my blog, my Instagram and FaceBook.  It really means so much to me, and I’m excited to be writing more this year.

P.S.  Are any of you currently doing a Whole30?