
In light of Stephanie’s post yesterday, I feel a lot of pressure for my post today…you know, since I’ve been slacking.  Unfortunately – I’ve searched for hours trying to find something that may be interesting for you (or even me) and I am coming up incredibly short.  My search for some fun and cute Valentine’s day dresses was a failed attempt.  I don’t know if I’m just not looking in the right places or if my current mood (sleepy, extremely busy at work, headache-y) is causing me to be overly critical of what I am seeing.

In any case, I did find a supremely lovely looking lady – not only are her tights just plain cute, but I’m semi in love with her tattoos.  I probably wouldn’t have done stars, but they are interesting.


I posted this photo last year around Valentine’s Day – and I still love it.


I do have some plans in the works for Valentine’s Day this year involving the nieces and nephews – but I won’t share any specifics until after the fact – hopefully I’ll get some good photos of our hang-out time.  Help a sista out though…what are your plans for Valentine’s and what are you wearing?

I’ll save us all and take my crabby mood elsewhere for now.