Horse Bee

It’s raining it’s pouring.  As Stormie Dae told you yesterday, we have been getting rain everyday for the past couple weeks.  Colorado is usually very dry, so this has been pretty unusual weather for us.  Personally, I am LOVING these rainy days!  It cools everything off so nicely and of course I adore the sound of rain.  Favorite.  The only thing that I don’t like about it is the humidity it brings.  See my bangs?  They get a little curly in the humidity.  Not a favorite.  Anyway, I took these photos last Thursday (yes, I often take time out on Project Thursday to take photos of myself) and it was lightly raining – you can see some wet spots on my skirt:)

New shoes!  I have wanted a pair of Jessica Simpson’s “Dany” shoes, but sadly I cannot afford them right now.  That’s why I was soooo excited to find these knock-offs from Urbanog for a fraction of the cost.  Hooray!

Denim skirt – thrifted

Vintage t-shirt – Tristan’s

horse ring – thrifted (only 20 cents!)

Shoes – Urbanog (love them!)

bangle – from a vintage shop in Brooklyn last year

fake glasses – borrowed from Stormie

braided belt – handmade by me

lip gloss – Burt’s Bees Rose Tinted Lip Balm


Quick story behind my new lip balm:  I’ve been wanting to try the tinted Burt’s Bees, but couldn’t bring myself to spend $7 on a tube (have I mentioned I’m cheap?).  I was grocery shopping last week, and came across this tube of Burt’s Bees in the clearance section for $3.49!  And to top it off, I had a $1 off coupon to go with it, so I got it for $2.49!  Happy happy:)


Stephanie May*