Paleo Cranberry Sauce Recipe

paleo cranberry sauce paleo thanksgiving recipes paleo healthy diet food recipes fruit tangerines cinnamon apples honey cranberry sugar free gluten free
Hello friends!  Today I have a yummy Thanksgiving recipe for you – Paleo cranberry sauce.  Tristan came up with this particular version, and it is SO good (thanks honey!).  Tristan and I have been doing the Paleo diet since June and we’ve absolutely loved it (more on that soon) and trying new recipes is always exciting and delicious.  We have been brainstorming how our Thanksgiving dinner will look and taste a bit different from “normal” this year.  Outside of the turkey, there isn’t a whole lot that we can have for Thanksgiving – no mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, rolls, or stuffing.  No candied yams, corn casserole, or pumpkin pie.  At least not in the traditional ways that they are usually prepared.  We are hoping to try out many Paleo versions of Thanksgiving food, and I hope that you enjoy our version of cranberry sauce:)
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Paleo Cranberry Sauce:

24 oz fresh cranberries

4 apples (we used gala, but it’s your choice)

1 cup fresh squeezed tangerine juice (we used about 4 tangerines)

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 cup raw, organic honey


Put all ingredients in a heavy saucepan and combine.  Cook on medium heat for 15-20 minutes stirring occasionally.  Check tenderness of apples and cranberries and when they are as soft as you’d like them, use a potato masher to further puree the sauce.  Let cool in the pan, and then transfer to the fridge in a covered container.  Makes 8-10 servings.


This cranberry sauce is not as sugary as the canned variety, so you definitely shouldn’t expect it to taste the same.  It’s got a wonderful tart flavor and tastes fresh and unique.  Traditionally, cranberry sauce is served cold, but this is also amazing to eat when it’s warm.  Also, if you like your apples very soft, you can cook all of the ingredients together EXCEPT for the cranberries for 10 minutes, then add the cranberries and cook for another 10-15 minutes.  You can also substitute oranges for the tangerines, but let me just tell you that the tangerine juice is such a yummy addition.

paleo cranberry sauce paleo thanksgiving recipes paleo healthy diet food recipes fruit tangerines cinnamon apples honey cranberry sugar free gluten free

Happy cooking friends!
